(Click on any of the bulleted points below to link to information.)
Welcome to the Breaking Barriers Services Resource page. Here, you will find essential information and links to various resources. Click on any of the bulleted points below to access detailed information.
If you're seeking more information, this page provides direct links to the resources you need
Federal Government
1. Find A Local Office
2. Create Your Own Social Security Account
3. Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
a. Benefit Eligibility Screening Tool (BEST)
b. How Do I Apply for SSI?
c. Appealing An SSI Medical Decision Denial of Eligibility
d. SSI and Support For Employment (Ticket to Work)
e. Maintaining SSI While Working (Work Incentives)
f. Reporting Requirements
g. Reviews of Medical Condition
h. SSI and Other Benefit Programs (Food Stamps and Medicaid)
4. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
a. Qualifications for Social Security Disability Benefits
b. Apply for Disability Benefits
c. Adults Disabled Before Age 22
d. Overview of SSDI Benefit System and Reporting Requirements
e. Appealing an SSDI Medical Decision Denial of Eligibility
f. SSDI and Support For Employment (Ticket to Work)
g. Maintaining SSDI While Working (Work Incentives)
h. Reviews of Your Disability